Dmytro and his team were able to effectively lead this exercise and, in a very short time, establish the foundations of a goal-setting framework that emphasises outcome-based result evaluation. This has been quickly and relatively easily adopted by everyone within the company. Overall, Dmytro took away the complexity and made it easy for everyone to understand and subsequently “get onboard” with OKRs.

Project Duration: 2.5 months.
An Estonian technology company turned to us with a request to help them establish a goal-setting framework that emphasises outcome-based result evaluation. The challenges they've been facing were an unstructured company-wide goal-setting process, more output-based rather than outcome-based result evaluation, weak goal alignment between chapters, and a general lack of encouragement for taking responsibility for the goal outcomes.
Together, we have agreed on OKRs as a preferable framework and came up with the main project goals:
- Train key people in the company on OKRs.
- Enter Q2 with defined and aligned company OKRs and chapter/team OKRs.
- Establish an OKR cycle to define, align, track, and evaluate OKRs in future quarters.
We started by interviewing key people in the company and gathering the needed insights. In the process, we discovered that the company's purpose and strategy needed some initial tuning as well, so we decided to include this as a first step toward effective goal-setting.
Our first major milestone was conducting a workshop for the leadership team, the outcomes of which were a refined company mission and the previous strategic goals turned into a 5-year North Star Goal and company OKRs for 2 years.
Before moving on to setting OKRs on chapters level, one more step was needed. In OKR implementation, it is important for some people in a company to obtain the vision and knowledge of what the OKRs are, why, and how we set them. This is why we held two training workshops for about twenty key people in the company, where they got a chance to learn the theory and practice of OKR setting both individually and as a group.
The company successfully communicated its newly formed goals to all employees, and after making sure the stage was set from all angles, we gathered for a two-day workshop where everyone was present (more than a hundred people, with 70 present offline). For those two days, we worked on grasping the knowledge of OKRs and setting them for all company chapters simultaneously, making sure they were all aligned with each other, and that the chapters had all the resources needed to reach their goals.

Kristina, the HRD, was not present on the second day, and she was in for the surprise after returning to the office. She actually asked the CEO what was the matter, as various employees were coming to her and asking how they could help her achieve her ambitious 2-year HR goals.
Another crucial thing for OKRs is not just effectively setting them but also effectively tracking them. We made sure to help the company put its goals into a proper tool and embed an OKR cycle to track and evaluate the goals regularly.